Chevron Obsession
I've been going bananas over the age old pattern of the chevron. It's distinct inverted 'V' established wide recognition in ancient crests and flags. I have been a fan for years and I don't even have a coat of arms!
I've incorporated this pattern in many a project and now all of the attention it's receiving has me jumping for joy. It's one of the most versatile patterns to use. It's simplicity can either be joined in a contemporary setting or paired with a traditional motif. Either way the style, design and scale is a home run.
Chevron patterns are popping up all over the place. Check out these examples:
Tractor trailers ... yes you did read that right. The semi-trucks are not going to be out done. They too, have joined the revolution. Pristine white and chromed out semi-truck and trailer with the ever gorgeous chevron pattern
Are you on board?