I am head over heels for this next installment of Wallpaper Wednesday.
The first time that I was introduced to the Katie Ridder boutique line I squealed with excitement. Her designs are simple yet stunning. Charming yet whimsical. And don't forget the unmistakeable craftsmanship and love that has gone into the designs in creating and producing such beautiful products. Her boutique line of wallpapers and fabrics have carved out a unique and stylish niche within the design community.
The walls in this little girls nursery turned out FAB!
So thrilled with the Oiseau wallpaper in lime green.
The whimsical nature of this wallpaper added a touch of sweetness and
unexpectedness to this small ones room.
Visit katieridder.com to explore and fall in love
with all that she has to offer.
Available through Tracee G. Design
'til next time.......
x.o T.